10 Weight Loss Tips - Get Ready to Slim Down Without the Back-Breaking Effort

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2. Don't live a sedentary life. Go out and take up some outdoor physical activities or sport. Soak up some sunlight to produce serotonin, a beneficial hormone that may curb the desire for sugar and carbohydrates.

3. Get enough sleep at night. Studies show that lack of sleep adversely affects weight loss. People who suffer from sleep deprivation produce higher amounts of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite.

4. Your choice of music determines the amount of your food intake. Research revealed that people consume their food faster when upbeat music is played on the background. The more upbeat the sound, the faster -- and the more -- you eat.

5. Don't gobble down your food. Instead, chew your food slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the digestive system to tell the brain that it is full. By eating fast, your system fails to recognize that it's already satiated. Take time to savor your food. Eating more slowly will improve the sensitivity of your taste buds.

6. Don't skip your meals, particularly breakfast. It is the meal that will start your day. Skipping a meal makes your blood sugar drop, making you crave for food. Once you're famished, you'll more likely gobble down whatever food you may chance upon.

7. Keep your negative emotions on a leash. Emotions like anger or depression, when not kept under control, can make you gain more weight. Negative emotions cause your system to produce stress hormones associated with weight gain.