6 Day Body Makeover

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America has already tuned in to see Thurmond fight the fat as a member of the Extreme Team on ABC's Extreme Makeover.

A trimmed down version of his 6-Week Body Makeover, Thurmond explains that you should prepare to rack up your frequent-eater miles. You will consume a good amount of food throughout the day to rev up the metabolism and burn calories faster. In truth, you will most likely eat more than you have ever eaten on any other diet, or so says Thurmond. With his dieting plan, you will eat between five or six meals a day.

The first step is using Thurmond's Body Type Blueprinting System to determine body type, how the body reacts to food and how your metabolism is designed to process the foods you eat. This will be the guide to what you should and should not be eating. You will also get your own customized Body Sculpting Routine, which will only take about 15 to 18 minutes a day.

Unlike other quick-fixes, there are no special formulas, shakes or pills to reach these lightning-fast results. In fact, you eat normal foods and quite a few of them. The trick is to reach the right combination of foods to rev up your metabolism, done through the Body Type Blueprinting System. In doing this, you are using food as the fuel to burn fat. Once you receive the results of your blueprint, you can sign up for a customized meal plan on the 6-Week Body Makeover website.