What Vaccinations Are You Missing?

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Flu season extends from the fall to spring and protection starts within two weeks after receiving the vaccine. Adults over the age of 50, people with chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, those who care for other persons at risk such as young children or the elderly and health care providers should get vaccinated. This year, the same risk groups at risk for the regular flu are at increased risk of contracting the H1N1, or swine flu strain. Eventually, there will be plenty of the new vaccine available for everyone.

Pnemococcal disease occurs when a streptococous bacteria enters the lungs causing pneumonia to develop. Symptoms appear as a fever, cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. Pneumonia can progress to become an infection in the blood and brain causing pneumococcal meningitis.

Adults who have chronic illness like heart disease or diabetes and people with reduced resistance to infection should consider receiving this vaccine.

Hepatitis A is the most common vaccination preventable disease people are exposed to during travel. The virus is usually spread by consuming food or water that has had fecal contamination. Adults who have chronic liver disease, men who have sex with other men, users of injected drugs, hemophiliacs and overseas travelers should be immunized.