How to Prevent Holiday Weight Gain

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by Todd Pheifer

The New Year's resolution is an opportunity to "start over" and work to redeem failures of the past year. It is not uncommon for one of these resolutions to include weight-loss, which stems from the three-month "eating season" that runs from Halloween through the Christmas holidays. As a society we very much enjoy our food, and the fall season is fraught with delicacies, treats, and parties. The challenge is enjoying all the goodies of the season without gaining regrettable weight and setting up another New Year's resolution. Here are a few suggestions on how to take pleasure in the season without having it cause unwanted health issues.


The most important thing for intake discipline is to know the habits of oneself. This means identifying those particular items that are most tempting, or the situations that might cause the most indulgence. Granted, identifying the problem won't necessarily end the eating, but being honest is a solid first step towards developing a strategy.


One practical way to cut down on intake is to avoid leaving food out on a regular basis. During the holiday season it is not uncommon to have a bowl of snacks or candy out for "guests." In addition, treats are often left out on the counter for "whomever" to enjoy. Unfortunately these little temptations can cause us to snack a little bit throughout the day. It may not seem like a big deal to grab a few M&M's as we walk by, but several trips can add up to big calories. Therefore, put things away out of sight.