Pretty Baby: Should Your Child Model?

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Many "scouts" will ask for a fee, but sending the child's pictures to an agency directly is free on your part. Insiders say the best pictures are candids - don't spend a boatload on professional shots, which can be overstyled and include distracting props. A picture of your child in relatively simple dress with nothing on her head or face is best. And on the subject of cash, child models aren't Linda Evangelista, who famously claimed not to get out of bed for less than $10,000. Print modeling pays an average of $50 an hour, and with child labor laws' time limits, that may amount to only $100 a day. Film and high-end modeling may pay more, but not that much more. Remember that if your child doesn't enjoy it, then there's no amount of money worth making her suffer through something she doesn't want to do.