The 10 Best Foods for Kids

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Even if your child won't eat a handful of nuts, they can always be included in some of your favorite recipes. Try them in cookies or cupcakes. As an alternative, you can also give your child flaxseed. Flax oil can be mixed into your child's favorite juice or you can put flaxseed meal into their pancake batter.

#4 Best Foods for Kids - Yogurt

Foods that are high in calcium make for stronger bones and help keep children more active. In addition, breakfast that consists of foods high in calcium can also contribute to more positive learning and behavior.

Yogurt provides some of the calcium that your child needs. In addition, you can improve the health of your child's digestive system by choosing yogurt that contains live and active cultures. Keep in mind that many of the yummy flavored yogurts are high in sugar, so look for brands that have less. You can always mix fresh fruit or even honey with some plain yogurt for a delicious, healthy treat.

#5 Best Foods for Kids - Eggs

Eggs are a great source of protein but also contain important vitamins and minerals. Eggs contain Vitamin D, some iron and are rich in choline. Eggs can help the body absorb calcium, along with building and repairing muscles.