3 Fun Hanukkah Games for Everyone

Whether you celebrate Hanukkah or not, there are some fun ways to incorporate the holiday into your family life. So why not try giving these games a spin? Of course, no Hanukkah holiday would be complete without a game of dreidel. In order to play, you’ll need a dreidel and a bunch of chocolate-covered coins in gold foil, also known as a pot of gelt. Each player receives 10 to 15 gelt pieces. With each turn, players place one gelt in the center. Each player spins the dreidel. If it lands on Nun, it means “nothing” in Yiddish. Therefore, the player does just that. If the dreidel lands with Ganz, which means everything, face side up, the player gets the pot. If the dreidel lands on halb or “half,” the spinner gets half the pot. If the dreidel lands on shin which means shtel or “put in,” the player must throw a piece in the pot.
Players are eliminated once they run out of gelt. For other Hanukkah games to keep the kids entertained, there are plenty of Web sites that offer word searches, picture puzzles, concentration and other games based around Hanukkah. These games are also a great way to teach your children about the holiday without it coming across like a history lesson. Another Hanukkah game can be played with the gelt. During the eight nights of Hannukah, this game can be played at gatherings. When the evening begins, the adults hide the gelt around a room. At the end of the evening, the children must search for the hidden treats. It’s a sweet way to end the evening, without a doubt!