3 Habits He Hates
Certainly, there are some little idiosyncrasies in the opposite sex that can drive you up the wall. Guys are stereotypically not great communicators; they don’t show a great deal of emotion; and they’re always leaving that seat up. But did you know that there are things women do that men absolutely cannot stand? One thing that ranks high on guys’ list of pet peeves is being automatically expected to know what’s wrong with you without being given any information or guidance about the problem. Men aren’t mind readers, and all those clues you’ve been throwing out about why you’re mad may have been lost on him, regardless of how obvious you think they were. In fact, he knows he’s supposed to be deciphering those clues and getting more and more frustrated when he can’t.Why not avoid a huge blowup and tell him point-blank what’s bothering you? You’ll both feel a whole lot better. Another habit he hates is being compared to another guy, whether it’s an ex, your dad, your brother or your BFF. When you say things like “Why can’t you be more like him?” you make your guy feel as if who he is isn’t enough for you. It’s pretty hurtful to think he can’t measure up, and pretty soon, he may stop trying altogether. Let him be who he is, not who you think he should be. And on that note, drop the suggestions for improvement when it comes to his appearance. Giving your man a makeover sounds fun and may even be necessary in your eyes, but think about how you’d feel if he suggested the same for you. Guys usually are content with their appearances, so give him a break unless he asks for feedback