3 Important Feng Shui Tips to Bring in More Money

Money is something everyone needs and wants. Besides using hard work, here are some feng shui tips to remember to generate more money. The first thing to remember is that there are financial power spots in your office, living room, bedroom and kitchen. These spots are found in the corner of the back left hand side of the room, when facing in from the doorway. Once you know the financial power spots of the office, you have to keep these areas clutter free. This is because clutter always symbolizes stagnant energy. And this clutter in your power spots will only clog your cash flow. On clearing these spots, you shift these power spots to a higher spot.
According to feng shui things that are broken have to be fixed as things that don’t work indicate that something is wrong in your life. So look for things like switches that don’t work, file drawers that don’t repair or clocks that don’t give the right time. Either remove these things, or repair them so that they work. In place of these non-working things, place symbols of prosperity in your power spots like bowl of coins or a lucky bamboo plant for more prosperity in life. Even pictures of your dream house or car can be placed here as these are effective money symbols that have some special meaning for you.
Tips for more money with feng shui
Color is an important part of feng shui, and in making more money through feng shui. This is why it is advised to accent all money areas in your house with the colors green and purple. Green is the color for vitality and growth while purple is the color for wealth. One feng shui suggestion for this is to place purple and green grapes in a bowl in the wealth area of the kitchen. These grapes can be real or artificial; however if you use real ones and eat them, make sure you replenish the grapes and that the bowl is always more than half full.
Handling money with care is an important part of feng shui.
Many people are of the habit of jamming money in wallets or money dips or to keep them crumpled in the pocket. This is not at all a sign of showing respect to money; instead clear your purse and wallet of its clutter and start saving money in them with care. This is because feng shui says that if you start neglecting money, money slowly starts neglecting you. Make it a point to balance your checkbooks and to pay bills punctually and to store your checkbook in attractive purple, black, blue, red or green covers. Place this cover in the back left corner of your desk, its wealth area or in the wealth area of your office.
How to use feng shui for prosperity
Feng shui does not mean only the right placement of things for prosperity, but it also means the development of the right attitude in life. According to feng shui, you can make more wealth once you learn to live generously. This is because money is a type of energy that has to be made to not only into your life, but also to flow through your life. If you don’t have money to share, you can always give your time, appreciation and compassion to others for greater abundance in life. Remember that little drops make a great ocean. So every day, you have to spend a few minutes in the evenings, thinking of all the good things in life and thus show your gratitude for being lucky to receive all these things.
It is not always getting or having something right that is important; it is learning to focus on the positive side of things in life that is important. The more you learn to notice, appreciate and show gratitude for whatever you receive, the more good things and money, you can expect to come your way. This is because prosperity in life is not always determined by the amount of money you have with yourself.
It is also dependent on how you learn to enjoy whatever you have in life. If you realize how rich you are with so many friends and your family, how fortunate that you can laugh, how fortunate you are to breathe in fresh and free air and realize the richness of your spiritual life; you will pretty soon receive material blessings and prosperity in your life.
Easy and simple to follow feng shui tips to enhance your life!
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com – 3 Important Feng Shui Tips to Bring in More Money