4 Tips for the Perfect Healthy Picnic

By Maris Callahan – DietsInReview.com
Brush off your picnic basket, park blanket, Frisbee and that look of winter hibernation and get outside! While picnic fare is often calorie laden, these simple tips (and recipes) will help you enjoy picnic in your favorite spot.
1. Make a Plan. If you’re planning to make your own food, do your food prep the night before. You can wash and chop fruits and vegetables so they’ll stay crisp for the next day’s salads and snacks. Also, assemble sandwiches the night before to save time in the morning, just be sure not to add the water-based ingredients, like condiments, cucumber, and tomato (unless you like soggy bread).
2. Practice Food Safety. Eating outdoors is great fun, but it can leave certain food and drinks susceptible to food borne germs and bacteria. Be sure to well ice a cooler to keep everything cold, and don’t leave food sitting out uncovered or unchilled for more than an hour.
3. Pack a Perfect Basket. Organizing the picnic basket can be as fun as it is tricky if you’re not working with much space. Use flat sandwich thins for sandwiches to making stacking easier.
4. Say No to Silverware. Make things easier on yourself by sticking to finger foods that don’t require utensils. The pre-chopped fruits and vegetables, as well as ready-to-eat berries, make perfect sides and snacks. You can also avoid the fuss of sandwiches by making these Quinoa and Turkey Lettuce Wraps or Chicken Wraps.