4 Ways to Prepare For Santa

You better watch out. You better not pout. You better not cry. I’m telling you why. Santa Claus is coming to town. Right about now your children are probably eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa. Although Christmas is not yet here, there things you can do to prepare for jolly old St. Nicholas’ arrival. Have your child write a letter to Santa. It can also include their annual Christmas list as well. The children can also express their excitement about his visit. Think of the exercise as a learning experience as well. Once they’ve completed their letter, have your child sign it, address the envelope to the North Pole, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mailbox. Another idea is to actually take the kids to visit Santa at the mall.
Your child will be thrilled at the opportunity to spend a little one-on-one time with Santa Claus. If your child is nervous about the meeting, have him bring a copy of his Christmas list. Make sure to capture the exciting encounter on film. For those who don’t want to fork over the money for a pricey mall portrait, be sure to bring along your camera. Decorating the house for Christmas is yet another way to get your child ready for Santa’s visit. Drag out the Christmas village or toy trains. Bring out the garland, bows and mistletoe. Set aside an afternoon where you can transform your home into a winter wonderland that would make Kris Kringle proud. Of course, who can forget the milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve? Allow your helper to get everything ready for Santa.