5 Guys You Shouldn’t Date

If only it was easy to tell when a guy is completely undateable… unfortunately, in the beginning stages of a relationship, it’s hard to tell what kind of damage the guy has. But there are some subtle signs that can tell you whether or not to pursue a relationship. Check out these five personality types so you know when to steer clear of a guy with issues. Mr. Resentful is the guy who downplays anyone else’s accomplishments besides his own. Get a promotion at work? Expect some snide comments and derisive remarks about how much more time you’ll be spending away from him. His brother and wife have a new baby? He’ll complain about how little free time they’ll have now. This guy’s a total downer and is best at raining on everyone else’s parade. No fun. Mr. Workaholic may seem like the total package – well-educated, great job, ambitious. And while he may like the finer things in life, he won’t have time for them. And the time he could be spending with you is split with his Blackberry. As fun as it sounds to date a rich guy, actually doing it is a different story.
Mr. Rebound is the guy who just emerged from his last relationship. Whether it was 5 days ago or 5 years ago, this guy hasn’t forgotten his ex quite yet. Even if you’re the perfect woman for him, he’s not ready to realize it. Give him time to figure out what – and who – he wants. Mr. Sexual Pioneer is the guy who’s read all three 50 Shades books and wants to act them out with you – and maybe a few of your close friends. In other words, he’s a freak in bed. Hey, if that’s the way you want things to be in the sack, fine. But if you feel coerced into his exploits, then it’s time to put away the toys and go home. Mr. Critical is the guy who your mom warned you about – he can’t say anything nice but refuses to say nothing at all. He points out everyone’s flaws – including yours – and will accuse you of being “too sensitive” or insists that he was “just joking” when your feelings get hurt. Sarcasm is this guy’s middle name, and with someone who has such a dour outlook on other people, this guy is going to get old fast. There’s nothing wrong with a nice guy – and there are plenty out there.