5 Signs He Might Be Cheating

Your partner is perfect in every way – or so you think. Perhaps you have a nagging suspicion he’s not being completely honest with you sometimes. Maybe the signs of cheating have made themselves known, or perhaps you just have a feeling in your gut. Either way, there may be a few indications that you’ve hooked up with a cheater. Here are a few signs. You’re persona non grata on social media. In other words, he doesn’t accept your friend request on Facebook; you tweet him and get no reply in return; or you don’t see yourself in his Instagram photos. He may be coy about taking digital pictures with you as well – no selfies for this guy, lest he get busted with you. Examine the places and times when he wants to see you. A major red flag would be if he takes you to different places – particularly if they’re out of the way or even out of town – each time you go out. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to try new places, but many men have a particular place where they like to hang out.
Odd hours and frequent cancellations may also herald a guy who’s not being completely honest. Consider how often he picks up when you call. Maybe he reaches out to you by texting or calling quite a bit, but when you send a message, all you hear are crickets. There’s a legitimate excuse for missing your calls if he’s at work or you know he’s otherwise engaged, but not picking up regularly is a warning sign. If you notice girly stuff at his place, be wary. Even if he says they belong to his ex, why would he still have them out and not boxed up to return? Obviously, he’s not being faithful if you notice obvious female items – we’re talking tampons, razors, an extra toothbrush he isn’t using, etc. – strewn around. Take a look around and consider his behavior, then confront him calmly and directly.