5 Tips to Teach Your Children to Be Grateful

When it comes to the holidays and the children, there’s no greater gift than good manners. And there’s no time like the present to teach your children to be grateful for anything… and everything. While it’s nice that they appreciate toys, clothes and all the other offerings they may receive at Christmas, Hannukah, birthdays or other special occasions, it’s also important they realize how fortunate they are in general. There are ways to teach your children to be graceful. First and foremost, lead by example. Always say “thank you” and express gratitude. Parents are their children’s role models – so make your words count. Consider using role-playing techniques. Act out a scene where your child is giving you something and show your child the proper way to respond. Then give your child the opportunity to respond and show you how it’s done.
Another great exercise is to have your child make a list of things that he or she is thankful for. This can be done if your child keeps a journal or as a daily, weekly or monthly activity. Getting your children involved in community service is another way to help them realize how lucky they are. Once they realize that toys, sports, nice clothing and other extras are a luxury that not every child is privy to, they will come to be more appreciative of what they have. Of course, nothing teaches children how to express their importance like an old-fashioned “thank you” note. When your child receives a present, always have him write a personalized note thanking the giver. To make the activity fun, encourage your child to give it a personal touch by decorating the note.