5 Tricks for Dealing with Difficult Relatives

The halls are decked, and the holiday season is upon us. For the majority of us that means family gatherings — and plenty of them. Sadly, nothing can suck the life out of a party like contending with difficult relatives. In some instances, it can be enough to make anybody dread the holidays and make an already stressful time even more difficult. The good news is there are plenty of ways to handle the situation without letting the family drama break you and sour your holidays. For starters, realize that you aren’t alone. Everybody has their cross — or crosses — to bear with relatives. So don’t think you’re alone. If it’s a really unbearable situation, remember “the more, the merrier.” Invite others to lessen the tension and serve as a buffer. Avoid conversations that are likely to implode. Stick to safe topics such as the weather or the kids. However, if discussing the children provokes an argument, make that topic off limits.
Work on not taking things personally. If you’re offended by something that is said, brush it off. Don’t take it to heart. Remember, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but that doesn’t mean you have to like them. Work on the things you can change in the situation and forget about the things you have no control over. For example, if you have a relative that gets inebriated every holiday and the gathering is at your house this year, eliminate the alcohol. If there is a specific relative who you have a recurring issue with, avoid that person and stick with the relatives who you can tolerate. Try keeping yourself busy. Maybe designate yourself as the photographer or videographer for the event. If you’re constantly occupied, you won’t have time to get in the middle of a verbal confrontation. Remember, the holidays only happen once a year… don’t someone else ruin your fun.