5 Web Sites That Should NEVER Pop Up in Your Man’s Browser

Trust is an important part of any relationship. If you don’t have faith in your boyfriend or husband, the connection you share can’t help but feel hollow. Yet, like everything else that matters in life, the bond you have with your significant other isn’t black and white.
The gray areas will always be there, especially if you have reason to believe your partner is not being up front with you. While it isn’t ideal, peeking at his Internet history may give you some insight into the true character of the man of your dreams.
But beware. You just might see some sites that should never pop up in his browser. So take a deep breath and consider this list of five web sites that you don’t want anywhere near your man’s computer.
Pornography Sites
If you find out that the love of your life has a few favorite sites that qualify as porn, you may have an issue. Although it doesn’t always mean anything is wrong with your relationship, some women think it’s a deal breaker. That’s because the need to watch porn could point to deficiencies in the real-life romance.
Also, there are cases where porn becomes an unhealthy addiction. And that can’t help but do damage to the sexual chemistry you’ve developed with your man.
The other side of the story is that porn may be an exciting way to freshen up your sex life. So you may look at such sites as a plus, not so much as an insurmountable crisis.
However, every woman has her own view of porn. You’d be wise to draw your own conclusions on this subject. But if you feel pornography shouldn’t be part of your man’s browser, use this topic as an excuse to have an open discussion about what you want from this relationship. It might take your bond in a new and important direction.
Dating Sites
You’ve been through lots of ups and downs with your man, which, logically, leads you to believe you’re both committed to each other and no one else. But then you find out he’s got a collection of dating sites in his browser. What does it mean? Unfortunately, such a discovery may not a good sign for the happily ever after you’ve imagined with this guy.
Some men like to explain that they’re just on these types of sites to meet people. It’s as innocent as that. But if this is really the case, why choose sites that are designed to create romantic attachments? That’s the question you have to ask yourself in a situation like this.
Gay Sites
When you plan to live the rest of your life with a man, the last thing you’d ever want to find in his browser are pages and pages of gay sites. It can only spell doom for your future, if you’ve always wished for a heterosexual, monogamous guy to be with for years to come.
But there is always the possibility that your main squeeze is simply curious about homosexual love. It may not be anything more than that. Of course, this can be a very embarrassing topic and one that the man in your life is hesitant to admit. Yet this secret interest may be the true reason behind his habit of storing gay sites on the home PC.
Still, the fact that you’ve found these web sites should give you reason to take a step back and really look at this relationship. It could be that your man is truly attracted to his own sex. If this is the real reason for his behavior, it will certainly get in the way of the romantic aspect of your attraction.
Couples counseling may be the way to go to figure out the next step in your relationship.
Spy Sites
You’ve been dating your life partner for a while and think you share a mutual trust. But everything changes in an instant when you discover he’s been browsing through sites that enable him to spy on your computer activity. Now that goodwill is out the window.
Every aspect of the faith you thought you had in each other is under scrutiny because he has revealed that he doesn’t believe in you. Whether his paranoia is because of past infidelities or he just has problems trusting women in general, this doesn’t bode well for your future as a couple.
The fact that he’s taken this extreme step to watch you online when you don’t have a clue he’s around brings up other disturbing questions. Where are his ethics? Does he have any? And if he is going out of his way to monitor you so secretively, what kind of information is he holding back from you?
These are all topics that need to be discussed before you can build any kind of trust with this man again. Otherwise, this cagey behavior is only going to get worse, building a foundation of suspicion on what should be a satisfying relationship.
Married Or Cheating Types of Sites
You’ve taken marital vows and they mean the world to you. But what happens when you find out your very own husband is fixated on sites that help him cheat on you? Believe it or not, these web sites are pretty common. And they can spell the end of the marriage you’ve held so dear.
Not only does this discovery speak volumes about your hubby’s trustworthiness, but it says a lot about his respect for you in general. The slogan for one site is, “Join us today! It’s free. Don’t be married and bored or married and lonely. You can have fun meeting up with other marrieds in your area for married affairs and much more.”
Sadly, however, the act of having an affair has been glamorized on the internet. Some of these sites actively promote the excitement of this kind of passionate liaison, creating marketing slogans that make immoral behavior fun. Your significant other may just be one of the many men who fall victim to a catchy advertising campaign, even at the expense of your marriage.