6 Affordable Ideas for Teacher Gifts

They teach your children well — so how do you express your gratitude? With the holiday season in full swing, you may feel like you need to buy presents for just about everyone, and your child’s teacher is no exception. The question is: How do you show your appreciation without breaking the bank? And the answer is opting for some of these clever and creative gifts that will fit within your budget. Of course, the old standby is the all-purpose gift card. From Target to Michael’s to Kinko’s, there are plenty of places from which to choose. Teachers often use these gift cards to purchase extra supplies that go right back in the classroom. So the gift card is basically an investment back into your child’s education. If you want to make sure that the teachers use the money for themselves, purchase gift certificates to a restaurant, local spa, movie theater or movie rental place. Some parents prefer to take the homemade route.
Prepare baked goods such as cookies, brownies or fudge and whip up a culinary care package complete with a thank-you note. This makes for a great gift that’s sure to satisfy those teachers with a sweet tooth. Baked goods are also ideal if you have several teachers to cover. Making a homemade ornament with your child’s picture on it can also be an original gift that comes from the art… and the heart. Lotto tickets in a card are another option. Or if your favorite teacher can’t live without a cup of java, a new mug, a bag of coffee or even a Starbucks gift card might be the perfect give to get her brewing. Perhaps the most rewarding gift of all may be a simple card or letter from your little student expressing how grateful he is for such a great teacher.