6 Strategies to Make It a Season to Give

With Christmas just a couple of days away, you’re all set to receive. But have you had the opportunity to give? One of the most rewarding things about the holidays is having the chance to help others. In the current economic climate, there is no shortage of families in need. By giving of your time, your money and yourself, you’re also setting a great foundation for raising altruistic children. You’re teaching your children the valuable lesson of giving back to others. During the holidays, it seems like every time you turn around there’s a clothes, toy or food drive. So there are ample opportunities to provide assistance. This year, charity can begin at home. Go through all of your clothes, toys and furniture and set aside everything with which you’re willing to part ways. One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure.

Donate your stuff to the Salvation Army, a family in need or any other charity you can think of. Do the same with your pantry. Bring in canned and packaged foods that you’re not going to use. Donating money to an organization or your favorite charity is always an option. Some people even make a donation in a family member’s name as a gift. If you’re interested in Toys for Tots or other children’s charities, you can always find places that collect new, unwrapped toys for underprivileged children. Short on cash? Why not spare some of your time to volunteer? Put in some time at the local soup kitchen. Sign up to deliver food to shut-ins through Meals on Wheels. You might also see about volunteering at a retirement home, which can be extremely lonely during the holidays.