7 Common Sex Problems

Sex life getting a little less…sexy? Many people experience a lackluster sex life at some point. It’s not always like the steamy images we see on screen. Although it’s unrealistic to expect a “9 Weeks” level of intimacy behind closed doors, there should be a happy medium for most couples.
Sex is a significant aspect of a relationship; unresolved sex problems, if left unaddressed, can cause a major divide in a relationship. Anyone who has ever experienced a subpar sex life can identify with the following adage, “If the sex is great, it’s only 10 percent of the relationship equation. If it’s awful, it’s 100 percent.”
There are numerous factors in play when it comes to sexual health, from emotional intimacy issues to physical complications. Sometimes a perfect storm of factors can dull the afternoon – or evening — delight. Being exhausted after a full workday and dealing with kids and chores, not to mention a partner with less-than-stellar erections, to name a few sexytime stumbling blocks, can make it tempting to sleep it off, rather than address problems head-on.
Even if it’s uncomfortable to discuss, couples need to work through hurdles together. Below are seven of the most common sex problems people experience and how to move past them.
Living in hectic times means assuming multiple roles, zooming around at breakneck speed and attempting to balance priorities while checking things off their to-do lists. The daily hustle and bustle can be soul sucking.. So there’s little wonder why there may not be much gas left in the tank at the end of the day, especially when it comes to getting the engine going in the bedroom.
To lighten the work load, try splitting chores with your partner in the evening. Use the extra time to decompress. A short walk after dinner can be reinvigorating. Set unessential tasks to the side and leave some energy in reserve for a roll in the hay. Finally, there’s no such thing as must-see TV. The boob tube is an insta-mood kill.
Many people – particularly women – have a negative body image. If you don’t feel good about your body and exude confidence, your partner will notice, and it can dampen your whole sexual experience. O, The Oprah Magazine reports, ” shame and anxiety about one’s body lead to the avoidance of physical closeness and reduced sexual satisfaction.”
If you’re worried about him seeing the cellulite on your thighs, how can you possibly focus on your or his pleasure? You can’t. Nix the negative self-talk. Learn to start looking at other standards of beauty and focus on the features that you do like. Sexy is as sexy does.
Erectile Dysfunction
It might be an uncomfortable topic for guys, but ED is a fairly common condition among men. The good news? It’s relatively easy to manage. Nearly half of men report some degree of erectile dysfunction, according to a 2008 study by researchers in the Department of Urology at Weill Cornell College of Medicine.
Untreated ED can greatly affect sexual health and overall wellbeing. Researchers found “an association existed between satisfaction with erection hardness and satisfaction with sex life, love and romance, and overall health.”
ED is linked to many factors, including stress, alcohol use and other health-related issues. Men should discuss ED with their doctors and see what types of treatments might be right.
Vaginal Dryness
Physical sexual problems aren’t limited to men. Vaginal dryness can bring intimacy to a screeching halt in the bedroom.
Several factors can interfere with a woman’s natural lubrication, including:
- hormones;
- stress; and
- certain medications.
The first three recommendations to relieve dryness are: foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay! The more relaxed and in the mood you are, the more likely your body is to follow suit. If that doesn’t do the trick, a little water-based lubricant can also get the job done. If dryness continues to be an issue, your doctor may be able to offer prescription remedies.
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is the most common male sex-related problem, with up to 30 percent of men complaining of it at some point in their lives, according to some studies.
In the heat of the moment, things can quickly turn fast and furious, which can be both frustrating and embarrassing on both partners’ parts. Fortunately, there are effective treatments available.
To prevent early ejaculation, try:
- meditation;
- condoms; and
- sex therapy.
Encourage your partner to talk to his doctor about options.
Relationship Disconnect
If you’re upset or at odds with your partner, sex is likely the last thing on your mind. There is a deep connection between emotional intimacy and sex. The brain is the largest sex organ; mental and emotional happiness is directly linked to physical arousal.
If your sex problem is related to a communication issue, another relationship concern you’ve been sweeping under the rug or constant fighting, you’ll need to clear the air if you expect both of you to lay down your arms and give your all to the lovemaking.
Variety is the spice of life so it goes without saying that the bedroom blahs happen to nearly every couple. They usually begin to appear slowly simply because humans are creatures of habit that easily get stuck in a rut. Touch her here, tap her there, a little kiss here and she’ll climax. When it starts to feel like a script or formula, you’ve got to take the initiative to stir things up before staleness turns to coldness.
The human imagination is unlimited, and there are resources upon resources widely available to ignite your creative fire. Here are just a few suggestions:
- role play;
- dirty talk;
- new locations; and
- massage.
Talk to your partner and see what tickles his or her fancy. Get out of your comfort zone and up the kink factor a little. You’ll soon notice how quickly those sparks will ignite.
Whatever your sexual hang-ups may be, know that there are millions of others who are in the same bed. No one’s sex life is perfect. With a little T.L.C. you can enhance your relationship and sexual health and make those intimate moments much more satisfying.