7 Effective Ways to Clean Up the Christmas Morning Aftermath

If Christmas means peace on Earth, goodwill to men, then why does your house look like a bomb went off? Face it, it’s hard to maintain some level of quality control over your house during the holidays, and Christmas day is no exception. Between wrapping paper, presents and dishes, you likely feel like you’re in the midst of chaos. Let this be the first — but not the last — Christmas where you aren’t stuck cleaning up for days to come. There are steps you can take to stay one step ahead of the bedlam. The first measure is to clean as you go. During the traditional unwrapping of the gifts, have a garbage bag on hand. Trash wrapping paper or set aside to recycle. Break up and stack cardboard boxes for next year. Remember, it’s easy being green — simply keep paper, boxes and plastic in separate bags. Once all the gifts are opened, run the vacuum over the carpet to pick up any pine needles, paper shavings or other garbage that got stirred up in the shuffle.
If you’re not one of those families who are accustomed to leaving the gifts under the tree for the day, have each person take their gifts to their room and put the presents in their places. Once breakfast is over, give the kitchen a quick clean. Pack up any leftovers and do the dishes. This will make room for lunch or dinner preparations. Throughout the day, do a spot check. If cups have piled up in the sink, transfer them to the dishwasher. If you’re busy making preparations for Christmas dinner, recruit a family member to do the dishes while you’re slaving over the hot stove. Draft another family member to stay on top of the garbage and empty cans as they get filled. By staying on top of things, you’ll be less likely to be saddled with a grand mess the day after Christmas. Consider it the ultimate Christmas present… to yourself.