Moms / Mom Tips
Just when you thought it was safe for your child to go into cyberspace. It’s bad enough that children have to deal with being pushed around face to face in school, but apparently the intimidation doesn’t stop there. A growing trend of cyberbullying has parents, students, education professionals and lawmakers…
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Moms / Parenting
When you were growing up, did you ever wish that your parents were happy? Did you feel safe when they were happy and peaceful? My mother was rarely a happy person. Most of the time she was anxious, angry and felt overburdened, even though I was her only child. She…
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Diet & Fitness / Fitness
We live in a fast-paced world amidst technology that makes things happen in an instant. Hence, we expect every aspect of our lives to follow suit, we even feel think that losing weight or obtaining the perfect body should be instantaneous. It isn’t easy to admit that such a feat…
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
A great way to get motivated is to sign up for a group fitness class. It can be much easier to stick to your fitness goals if you know there’s a class that you want to attend. Most gyms have a variety of classes to choose from, and there are…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
By Marc Lindsay When it comes to your marriage you would think that it is one of the most important decisions of your life. Yet some people do not treat it like that. In fact, based on some of the decisions they make you would think the complete opposite. When…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The meal replacement plan has evolved over the years and now offers nutrition bars, meal bars, smoothies, snacks and powders. SlimFast boasts that there are more than 30 clinical studies that reveal the effectiveness of the weight-loss program. In addition to the diet-friendly, convenient products offered by Slim-Fast, the company…
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Diet & Fitness / Wellness
By Vedis Teh When a person has been diagnosed with having extreme levels of blood sugar in the body they are challenged daily with having to manage type 2 diabetes and changing their traditional way of living. Type II diabetes is an extremely volatile and serious condition and may lead…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
The average person consumes approximately 100 to 150 pounds (45 to 67.5 kilos) of sugar per year with 80 percent coming from processed foods like soft drinks, candy, cereals, and baked goods. But what if we could have our sweets without the high caloric count? Would you use a sugar…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Melanoma – a type of skin cancer – is one of the deadliest cancers, and it can be prevented or at least caught early. People most at risk of developing this type of skin cancer are those with fair skin, those who have a lot of moles, a family history…
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Horoscope / Astrology
Ever since humans looked toward the sky for some kind of meaning to life and answers to the big questions, astrology has been a part of many people’s lives. The fact that essentially every culture has, at different times, looked towards the stars for understanding speaks to the universal…
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