Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Being a mom means waking up, getting the kids fed and ready for the day, perhaps helping your husband do the same, and oh yeah. Getting yourself ready, too. If looking polished and pretty is just an afterthought for you, it doesn’t have to be. You can get a glam…
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Diet & Fitness / Mind & Body
On TV and in the movies, couples usually meet in some spontaneously romantic way. They run into one other by accident, lock eyes, and the scene cuts to the bedroom…or the altar. Those of us who have been in the dating scene long enough know that such magical meetings are…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
A lot of people still don’t know there are fat-burning foods that can actually increase the number of fat calories your body burns each day. These are known as free foods and are generally low in calories; in fact, some of these foods are so low in calories that your…
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Moms / Mom Tips
For every action there is a reaction. We’re talking about consequences, and it’s an important lesson kids should learn in life sooner rather than later. It goes without saying that you want children to learn the consequences for their actions, especially when those actions aren’t appropriate. Ann Douglas, author of…
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Diet & Fitness / Healthy Eating
There are two essentially important things that Americans are struggling with — health and fitness. Records show that the most overweight and obese people on earth can be found in the U.S. There are hundreds of diet and weight loss programs to be found in the fitness circle yet the…
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Moms / Mom Time
Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. We wear so many hats and have so many responsibilities that are not always seen by the naked eye. We are often overwhelmed and numb to outside stimuli. At this point, not only are we hurting ourselves, but we’re doing…
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Love / Love Tips
Ladies, you’ve come a long way, baby. But have you gone too far? Recent research seems to think so. A University of South Florida study concluded that while women feel better in their relationships with men after experiencing professional success, the man’s self-esteem can take a hit. Men were given a…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You might be so focused on helping your child soothe her hurt feelings that you may not even see the day coming when she hurts yours. Inevitably, at some point, your child will utter those awful words – “I hate you,” “You’re the worst mommy ever” or something equally hurtful….
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Diet & Fitness / Diet Tips
The changing fall foliage makes this time of year perfect to get out into the great outdoors for a hike. It’s a great way to exercise with friends, or just go out alone and enjoy nature. It’s a more appealing way to get in a workout than plodding along on…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The Total Body Makeover starts simple. Greene addresses the issue of emotional eating, the heart of the problem for many people. He provides motivational tools for helping dieters attack this issue head-on. The main obstacles he focuses on are changing attitudes, food, and exercise. Food should be viewed as nothing…
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