Tantrum Time: Ways to Stop the Madness
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare — the incessant crying that just doesn’t seem to cease. For new — and old — parents, those crying jags can feel like they go on forever. Fits of screams that don’t stop…no matter what you do. But have you really tried everything? There are some strategies that parents swear by. Although it’s not the traditional rocking or singing your child to sleep, it may be what you need to once again put that youngster to sleep and enjoy the silence. If your little one is pitching a fit, strap him in the car and go for a ride. Some babies find this soothing and are often lulled to sleep by the movement of the car. Another great way to get the ball back in your court is to bounce on an exercise ball. Gently bounce baby on your knee until he calms down. Don’t go overboard – the last thing you want to do is shake the baby. Between the closeness of your body and the repetitive bouncing motion, there’s a good chance it will trim the tantrum time.There are also comes that point where your child is overtired and can’t seem to fall asleep. Oftentimes, white noise does just the trick. That’s when two very common household items come in handy. Turn on a vacuum or hair dryer and just let it run. The white noise is calming, and you won’t believe how magical this trick of the trade works. Once baby is out, flick the switch and settle in for your own recipe. Still searching for a solution? Try building a cave. Throw some sheets over chairs and crawl into the dark quiet space with your child where the two of you can cuddle. Desperate times call for desperate measures.