Economical Nursery Decor

With all the expenses that come with a new baby, you may be wondering how to get a cheap – but chic – look for your nursery. Truthfully, the only people who will care how it’s decorated are the baby’s caretakers – in other words, you and your partner. Newborns are unable to focus on shapes and distinguish colors, so the way you decorate really isn’t going to have much of an impact. But you want the room to be attractive, soothing and sweet. The fastest and most inexpensive way to transform a room is with a coat or two of paint. A blah beige room becomes vibrant, feminine or soothing with simply a different color. And with some creativity, you can use paint to create shapes and a nursery motif. For example, coating the tires of a toy truck and running them across the walls might give a boy’s room a cute car motif. Stencils are an easy way to add a border in whatever shape you like, and if you have an artsy friend who can create a mural, then you’re lucky! Many stores now offer chalkboard paint, which allows you to create your own artwork every day! A square – or even entire wall – of chalkboard paint is lots of fun and can give your growing toddler a fun activity, too. Use textiles to decorate; for example, the quilts that come with many crib sets is far too heavy to use on a newborn. Hang it on a wall, or drape it over a piece of furniture, such as a rocking chair. Use storage to add to the décor of the nursery. You can use baskets or even metal pails nailed to the wall, cubby-style, to store diapers, wipes, diaper ointment and clothing changes near the changing table. Regardless of how you choose to decorate your nursery, keep in mind that you’ll be redecorating to suit your growing toddler’s needs at some point.