Treat Yourself This Mother’s Day

Sure, it’s nice to get all those lovely crayon-scribbled notes that say “I love you,” along with a soggy bowl of fruit loops and vase of dandelions in bed. But it’s OK to want a little more out of Mother’s Day. After all, consider what you do for your family year-round. You deserve to be treated specially, perhaps even treating yourself if need be! If you’d like to make Mother’s Day all about you, then it’s OK. Taking a family time-out might be one way to relax and rejuvenate. When you serve as “mom” 24 hours a day, seven days a week, you can get pretty burnt out. Instead of asking for jewelry – or God forbid, a vacuum cleaner – ask your husband to take the kids for the day. Why not take time to do something you love and don’t have time to do? Browse the library – alone, in the adult section.
Take a swim without having to worry about the little ones drowning. There’s always spa time or going shopping. Do something crafty that you’ve never tried, or sign up for a class to try a skill you’ve always wanted to learn. Have a great night out with some other mom friends if you like, and hire a limo! Don’t choose those activities that stress you out. Perhaps getting your hair done seems like more of a hassle because you worry about what you might be missing at home, or a spa treatment stresses you out because it may cause strain on your finances. The key is finding that “me” time you can truly enjoy. Maybe it entails your husband and kids leaving the house for awhile so that you can lie around, read the paper and catch up on your DVRed shows. Whatever your “me” time involves, get plenty of it this Mother’s Day. It’ll make you an even better mom.