Old-School Beauty Aids

Before the days of Photoshop, spray tans and hair extensions, ladies had to get gorgeous with whatever they had on hand. And that usually meant finding a multitasking product that had some other purpose in mind when it was created. We can still take the simple beauty lessons of yesteryear and incorporate them into our modern routines, though. A major multitasker that’s been used since the American Indians discovered its medicinal properties is witch hazel. It’s inexpensive and widely available in drugstores to treat everything from acne to puffy eyes. Had a good, long cry? Soak a cloth in witch hazel and put it over your eyes to reduce puffiness and redness. It also can soothe razor burn, bug bites, sunburn, and cuts and bruises. For years, women have been using fruit to color or rejuvenate skin. Many people may not think about the appearance of their elbows as they age, but they can begin to get dry and discolored. Rubbing a slice of grapefruit or lemon on elbows after showering can reduce discoloration and exfoliate dry, ashy skin. Another popular skin treatment, especially among rich women of the past, is milk. The lactic acid in milk acts as a gentle exfoliant, while vitamins A and D nourish skin. Try putting a cup of powdered milk in your bath along with a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Honey is one of the oldest moisturizers in the world. It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties and locks in moisture. Another moisturizer your grandmother might have recommended is petroleum jelly, aka Vaseline. It’s thick and seals in moisture, but it also seals in everything else. People with very dry skin or chapped lips are the best candidates for this great moisturizer. Go old school next time you’re looking for a beauty solution.