How to Dress for Your First Date

Perhaps the most stressful part of a first date once plans are made is deciding on your look for the evening. Unless you’re going for couples’ massages, to the beach or hiking, then it probably means you’ll be dressing up a little. Many people say they want to just “be comfortable” on a date, but “comfortable” for many of us means PJ pants and going braless in a tank top – not proper datewear. Ask yourself if pursuing a second date is something you want. If so, then you’ll have to face the fact that your clothing and shoes may not be comfortable. But they shouldn’t make you uncomfortable in your own skin. Radiating confidence, even if you rarely wear heels and a skirt, is key. And let’s face facts – attraction in relationships is usually based first on appearance. Maybe he doesn’t know if you’re wearing Jimmy Choos or Joe Boxer, but men can tell when a woman is confident and well put together. You should be conscious of your body – regardless of whether or not you choose to show it off – by even being slightly uncomfortable in your clothing. Fitted clothing will ensure that you make an effort to stand up straight, while high heels will call attention to great legs. If you have body parts you’re sensitive about and don’t care to show off, then don’t – it’ll chip away at that ever-important confidence you’re trying to radiate. Don’t wear skinny jeans if you’re self-conscious about your thighs. Play up great cleavage instead if that’s a part of your body you’re comfortable showing off. Don’t mask your true self in making that first impression – simply show your best self.