4 Relationship Issues You Should Never Post on Facebook

When you’re just getting involved in a promising relationship and really like the other person, you want to shout it from the rooftops. These days, when you want to share exciting news, it’s typical to turn to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter to do so. But there are a few rules to follow when you feel the need to let everyone know that you’re elated to be with such a great person. Before you start posting your innermost feelings to your Facebook page – or, yikes, his – take a look at these four relationship social media no-nos. You may be taking pains not to look overeager or clingy, but what you post on social media sites can make you look just that. Start by reining yourself in when it comes to friending, following and otherwise linking up with your guy on social media sites. Feel free to put in that Facebook friend request, but there’s no reason to link to him on LinkedIn, Klout or other career-oriented sites if you’re not involved in that way. Likewise, following him on Twitter, FourSquare and Instagram are surefire signs of stalkerish behavior. If you’ve had an awesome date and happened to take a few snaps of you two doing something interesting, then by all means, post it. If you lounged around the house eating takeout and taking selfies (self-portraits in which you hold the camera while taking a picture of yourselves), then that’s not really share-worthy. Finally, avoid two kinds of language on Facebook: sappy and sexy. No one wants to see the two of you getting all schmoopy together, nor do they need to see even the innuendo of sex as evidenced by writing something like, “Thanks for last weekend” with a winky face. Don’t be secretive about your relationship; simply keep the things that make your relationship special to yourself.