Glycemic Index: The New Diet Movement

When it comes to managing your weight, the two most important letters you need to know are G and I. They stand for glycemic index – and they’ve become the buzzwords of the diet movement in recent years. The Glycemic Index chart ranks carbohydrates based on their effect on blood sugar levels. Carbs that break down fast and lead to blood sugar spikes are given a high value while carbs that move through the body slow are assigned a low value. With the glycemic index, foods are given values based on how quickly the blood sugar levels rise. Foods are ranked on a scale from 0 to 100. Proponents of the glycemic index believe the more low G.I. foods you consume the better for your blood sugar. For example, a doughnut has a G.I. of 76. Yogurt, on the other hand, has a G.I. value of 14. High glycemic foods include white bread (71), corn chips (74), waffles (76), jelly beans (80), pretzels (81) and parsnips (97).

High glycemic foods contribute to spikes in blood sugar, which can inevitably cause diabetes. Foods with a glycemic value over 70 are considered high GI food while low GI foods have a glycemic value less than 55. Low glycemic foods include peanuts (15), asparagus (15), broccoli (15), cauliflower (15), eggplant (15), green beans (15), whole milk (24) and apples (38). Studies have found that individuals who follow the glycemic index diet can actually prevent type II diabetes, combat heart disease and fight obesity. While not everybody will have a list of the values handy, there’s one rule of thumb that will always help you out. Remember that in most case, unprocessed foods tend to have lower glycemic indexes than refined foods. Consult with your physician if you plan on following an eating regimen based on the glycemic index.