A Little Off the Sides: DIY Haircutting

No time to make an appointment at the salon? No funds with which to pay a stylist? No problem. Many women, and especially men, can trim their own hair with a little practice. If you want to try to cut your own hair, then it might be a good idea – at least the first time – to have a little cash and your usual hairdresser on speed dial in case it needs fixing. But for many hairstyles, it’s definitely doable to give yourself at least a trim. Start with sharp, haircutting scissors, which you can get in the hair accessory section of large stores or beauty supply stores. It’s a good idea to have a buddy around – roommate, spouse, friend, etc. – who can even out the back for you if need be. Other gear you might need for a short haircut might be clippers and guards. You’ll also need a comb and brush to use frequently as you cut. Keep brushing during the process to prevent flyaways. Set up shop in the kitchen or bathroom, where it’s easier to clean up. Lay down a sheet underneath you for even easier cleanup. Start by brushing hair out in its normal style while it’s still damp after a shampoo.
Clean hair is important to prevent strands from sticking together. Start with bangs, clipping hair back and away from the front section. Take small sections – 12-20 hairs at a time – and hold between your fingers, clipping hair away below fingers. Always cut less than you’d like the first time – it’s a whole lot easier to fix mistakes when you have more hair to work with. Work in sections, pinning up other sections of hair as you go. You can do a blunt cut all the way around your first time, getting that buddy of yours to check your work in the back. As you get more experience, you can try techniques such as layering. Who knows? Maybe in time you won’t even need a stylist!