Age Differences: Do They Matter?

In a relationship, there are many things that attract you to your mate. For example, a sense of humor ranks high on people’s list of must-haves for a potential mate. Compatibility is determined by multiple factors, one of which is your age difference. Is it important to consider the impact a significantly older or significantly younger partner’s age might have on you? Probably so. A 2010 study of heterosexual couples with age differences indicated that the greater the age difference – older or younger – the lower the wife’s life expectancy. On the other hand, men who marry younger women live longer; those who marry older women do not. One explanation for the difference is that younger spouses can serve as caretakers later in life for their older mates.
A big age discrepancy between spouses may serve as a way to ostracize the couple socially – May-December romances are less accepted in society; thus, these couples may not receive the social and familial support they need. Most women do tend to marry older men and have for quite some time, but researchers find that mates who are the same age, like Prince William and Kate Middleton, are the ideal match. So should you write off a potential mate simply because of an age difference? Of course not. The age factor is one facet of your compatibility; as long as it isn’t an issue for you, your friends and family, then there’s no reason you can’t have a successful relationship.