Alternative Ideas for the Bachelorette Party

When you’re thinking about celebrating an upcoming wedding with the bride-to-be, a bachelorette party comes to mind, complete with strippers, penis-shaped lollipops, suggestively named shots, and lots and lots of drinking. Right? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, lots of brides and their best buds are getting creative with the bachelorette party…and no one even has to take their clothes off! For foodies, a cooking class or potluck party might fit the bill. Everyone gets to create and sample something delicious, and the participants get to spend quality time together. On the same note, a wine tasting would be perfect for an oenophile. Do it at someone’s home, or go to a local winery. Looking for something a little less glam? Try a camping trip. Get your gear and head off to the great outdoors to rough it for a weekend. Too rough? Try “glamping,” which is like camping but with many of the comforts of home. Perhaps the participants eat salmon instead of weenies roasted over the fire. Go to a campground with actual cabins instead of laying out a tent. Be sure to unplug – this getaway is all about spending quality time together. Not a fan of sleeping outside? Throw a fun slumber party, complete with pizza, popcorn and scary movies.
If your participants are the crafty types, then an evening spent painting pottery or creating some other crafting masterpiece – scrapbooks, embroidery, and sculpting come to mind – may fit the bill. Provide snacks and drinks, and you have the makings of a memorable party. If the bride and her friends are fitness-oriented – and philanthropic – then why not try a charity athletic event, like a race or triathlon? There are some great offbeat races that don’t just involve walking or running. The Color Run touts itself as “The Happiest 5K on the Planet” because participants are doused in head-to-toe color with powder throughout the walk/run and at the finish line. It chooses a local charity at each venue where the race is held that benefits. The Warrior Dash and Run for Your Lives ramp up the action if a fun run isn’t your speed. The Warrior Dash is a 3-mile course that’s chock-full of obstacles like muddy trenches, wall climbs and running over hot coals. The obstacles in Run for Your Lives are simply zombies…well, people dressed as zombies who try to nab flags placed on your body. You’re transformed into the living dead if you lose all your flags. It’s definitely an out-of-the-box idea for an adventure-loving bride!