Are You Too Picky?

When it comes to dating, high standards aren’t necessarily a bad thing. But when trivial “problems” and unreasonable expectations unravel what could’ve been a good relationship, then it’s time to step back and examine your criteria to see if you’re being too picky. First of all, if minor issues with his appearance are dealbreakers, then you might be a little unreasonable – weird eyebrow shape, dresses a little too neatly, too average or anything else that’s super trivial (and easily altered or changed, depending on the occasion). Giving a guy another chance if he’s late to a date – and has a good reason – is smart, but it’s a little unreasonable to dismiss him outright after you arrive five minutes late and he’s not there. If you can find fault with your guy when he’s sleeping, then you might want to rethink things.
Consider your exes – would you ever consider getting back together with any of them? If you don’t even have to think about the answer, and it’s a resounding NO, then ask yourself what was so wrong with them. Are you the partner who usually does the dumping? Or the one who always is the one to break up first? Sometimes finding fault in every single guy you date can signal your desire to avoid intimacy. Sex and relationships expert Dr. Laura Berman says the reluctance to commit to a partner due to pickiness can signal not being comfortable in your own skin. Compare your own behavior and characteristics with those you feel strongly about in your partner – perhaps you may dislike those characteristics because you see them in yourself.