Before Jumping on the Plane to Meet Him

Let’s face it, we all want to meet that special someone we can have in our lives. In today’s busy world, more people are turning to online dating. As a matter of fact, more than 1 in 5 relationships start online. There are a number of different online dating sites – some specializing in certain types of people, making it easier to find that like-minded one.
Now, you took your time, did your research and finally think you have met your true love online. You haven’t met him face to face. Before you invest your time, you heart and your hard-earned cash to travel — you have to ask yourself, is he for real? Finding our perfect match is probably the most important decision we will ever make.
As I look back over the years, I realize the mistakes I made and what effects it had on every aspect of my life. As a father, I want to make sure I pass on all the important life lessons – then, it hit me. The most important lesson I can share is how to find the right partner to go hand in hand through life.
This will make all the difference in achieving and enjoying all your dreams. Together, two people can be a team and conquer all their dreams. This is how I want my son to see his perfect match and what I want to share with others. Realize true beauty goes beyond a picture.
As a guy, I appreciate a woman who will take advantage of the online circumstances and take the time to chat and email, getting to know each other before we meet. So make sure this guy is serious about you and that the relationship has potential. Consider:
1. How long have you known him? If you just met him — forget about that plane ticket for the moment.
Spend at least several months getting to know each other better by talking online at first, then the phone as much as you can. You want to build trust and be comfortable in the relationship. As a guy, I know this is just as important to me as it is to you. The right one will want to know everything about you.
2. What do you talk about? In the beginning, it’s OK to talk about all the sweet usual things. Eventually, you want to ask more about his family and friends. I would be impressed that a woman took an interest in my family and friends! But more important, a guy’s relationships with family and friends will say a lot about him. Does he give you details or maybe he doesn’t want you to know too much about them? If he doesn’t – you need to be suspicious about this guy.
3. Are you sure about your feelings for him? There is no question love requires attraction. There is nothing like waking up in the arms of your lover, especially after a romantic evening. Do you picture this? Think about it – are you already talking about him to your friends – all the time? If so, it means you are already dreaming about him and he hasn’t even touched you yet. The relationship is off to a good start.
4. Does he like you back? Answer this question honestly. Ask your best friend for an outside opinion. Or even test him by asking him to do things for you – yes, even far away, like: reading a book you choose and then talking about it together – you want to see how carefully he read it; asking him to take various photos of him and his life, just for you; and buying a CD or downloading certain music you enjoy
The goal isn’t to ask something expensive, but rather something meaningful to see how hard he wants to impress you and how curious he is about what you. I know it’s an easy sign for my friends to know if I am serious about someone, because I listen and know the small things about what she likes and doesn’t.
5. If he would win the lottery, what would he do? Sounds funny, I know, but you will be surprised with how much the answers will tell you about him. Does he talk about a new car or other things he would buy for himself? Or does he talk about donating some to charity? Would he quit his job? Do his goals mirror yours? Did he mention you in his answer? If so, smile – because he is thinking about a daily life with you!
6. Do you have a lot in common? What are his hobbies? What does he like to do on weekends? What does he do to relax? What does he do when he is angry about something? What are his goals for family, type of housing, finances? Consider his answers – and if you have similar interests and goals.
Considering these few things will help you decide if it’s worth spending a small fortune on a plane ticket (even if he’s paying) – and giving up a piece of your heart. Do not compromise. Finding real love has nothing to do with chance, looks, location or timing. Finding your perfect match has to do with your thinking, your qualities, your affirmations, your spirituality, your true inner beauty and your commitment to being with someone who can love you as equally as you will love them.
And the right man will appreciate that you are taking time and thinking things through. It says a lot about a woman who is willing to jump on the first flight for a fun weekend getaway vs. a woman who wants to make sure there is more to the relationship before going to the next step.
If you are still eager to meet him face to face, then the next step could change your life.
David Pollock is a global beauty expert who has formulated products for some of the most recognized names in the business. He is a published author, radio personality and was recently named one of the “20 to Know” by Global Cosmetics Industry. Today, David is empowering women to take control of their health and beauty. Subscribe to his free newsletter at