Best Beauty Gadgets

There may not be enough room in your cosmetic bag or underneath the bathroom sink for another thing, and that’s understandable. But take a look at these five beauty gadgets, and you may want to make some room. First, for effortless foundation application, try the Elizabeth Arden Makeup Blender ($15). It’s a large, teardrop-shaped sponge at the end of a handle that resembles that of a large makeup brush. Because it’s tapered, it can apply makeup in crevices and hard-to-reach places as evenly as it can flatter parts of your face, like your forehead. And if you have trouble removing stray hairs from your face – or your bathroom is just too shadowy to be effective – try Sally Hansen See the Light Lighted Tweezers ($10). It seems kind of silly to use a pair of tweezers that light up, but you’d be surprised at what you’re missing without them. Try them and stay out of the waxer’s chair for a few more weeks. If you love the look of hair curled with a curling iron, but hate the kinks that they cause at the ends of your hair, then give a clipless curling iron ($50 and up) a shot.
These wands usually have a glove included that helps you hold onto the end of the hot iron to wrap hair around the cylinder. They work great to give soft, long-lasting curls. And speaking of heat, Zeno Hot Spot ($40) pimple reducer uses exactly that to zap zits. Hold the device to your blemish for 2 1/2 minutes twice a day, and you’ll notice a marked improvement within a couple days. Plus, it reduces scarring! OK, so it’s not a “beauty” gadget, but the Quantum Scale ($60) is sure to make you feel more beautiful. You may approach weighing yourself with trepidation and dread, but the Quantum Scale won’t ever display your weight. It works by showing you the difference in the last time you weighed vs. the most recent time. So if you’ve lost even a pound, you can go away feeling good. And weight gain isn’t so painful when you don’t have to see the escalating numbers. How’s that for multiplying your self-esteem?