Best Fitball Exercises

Fitballs. Swiss exercise balls. Stability balls. They are three different names for one very effective piece of exercise equipment. Originally used to assist physical therapists, this giant inflatable ball adds entertainment to your workout. You can sit on the Fitball, lie on it, roll on it, put your feet on it, and place your tummy on it. Imagine that!

Incorporating a Fitball into your exercise routine increases the dimension of your workout. As you exercise on a Fitball, your body works hard to maintain your balance on the ball. Thus, a broad range of muscle groups benefit from an exercise. Simple target exercises like crunches become a multiple muscle workout.

Exercising with the Fitball engages the core muscles of your body (abdomen, hips, pelvis, and lower back). Core muscles help control posture and activities such as lifting and balance. Engaging many muscles at once provides an extremely effective workout.

Purchasing a Fitball

Fitballs are sized by the height of the user and can be purchased at any sporting goods store. Packages are labeled with the appropriate heights. As a general rule, you should be able to sit on your Fitball with your feet flat on the floor with knees bent at a 90-degree angle.

Target Exercises for Every Body Part

Literally every target exercise can be performed on a Fitball. Make sure to warm up completely with a good stretching routine and light cardio to make your muscles more responsive to exercise. If you’re feeling a little unstable on the ball, position it near a wall to keep it from rolling.

The following exercises target the basic trouble spots. These exercises represent just a small number of the exercises that you can perform on a Fitball.

Abs Crunches

Establish your balance as you sit on the ball with feet firmly planted. Place your hands on the ball and walk your feet forward until you reach a reclined crunch position. Your weight should rest on the ball from lower back to shoulder blades. Place your hands behind your head in a traditional sit-up position with fingers laced. Exhale as you curl yourself up using your abdominal muscles. Inhale as you return to your starting position. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions each. This is a challenging exercise so perform fewer reps if you need to and gradually work up to more.

Butt and Leg-Squats

Place the Fitball between your lower back and a wall. Position your feet flat on the floor, slightly forward. Concentrate on your posture; pull your tummy in, keep your head straight and your shoulders relaxed. With your hands on your hips, bend your knees into a squat. The Fitball will roll to your upper back. Return to your start position, rolling the ball to your lower back. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

Arms-Push Ups

Stand in front of the Fitball and place your hands on the ball. Walk your feet backwards until you’re on your tiptoes. Keep a straight back with arms extended on the ball and tighten those core muscles. Bend your elbows and lower yourself within a few inches of touching the ball with your chest. Raise back to straight arms. Perform 3 sets of 10 Fitball push-ups.

Thigh-Leg Extensions

Sit on the Fitball with feet about shoulder width apart. Place your hands on the sides of the ball. Maintain that good posture and tighten your abdominal muscles. Slowly lift your right leg to a straight position in front of you. Hold this position for 3 seconds while tightening your thigh muscles. Return your leg to the floor. Complete 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions for each leg.

Enjoy your Fitball! You’ll find that using this innovative piece of exercise equipment adds spice to your basic target exercise routine. Building those core muscles will make such a difference in your body. Using a Fitball can be a supplement to your regular workout or a workout in itself. Let your imagination guide you.