Best Foods for Skin Cancer Prevention

The heat is on… and so is the sunscreen. By now we all have a checklist for sun safety. Apply sunscreen before leaving the house. Sport a hat or visor when in the sun. Wear cover-ups on a regular basis. Avoid being outside during peak hours. Stay out of tanning beds. But it’s not just what you’re putting on your body, but in your body as well. New research shows that there are actually foods that prevent skin cancer. There are some foods that possess “antianglogenic” properties. Sun damage leads to the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Foods that have antiagiogenesis substances deprive cancer cells and stop them from growing and becoming deadly. Among these foods are omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon. Foods rich in antioxidants also fight against cancer cells. By following a healthy diet, you’re already ahead of the game. Even better is to follow the Mediterranean style of eating which is lean meat, nuts, whole grains, vegetables and low-fat dairy.
Consume 35 portions of fruits and veggies a week. Make sure cauliflower, broccoli and kale are at least three of those and spinach, collards and other leafy greens are another four to six, while seven servings are citrus fruits. Stock up on fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines and trout. Eat at least one serving every five days. Herbs are also rich in antioxidant properties. Add fresh sage, rosemary, parsley and basil to reap the protective benefits of the good green stuff. Another steep measure is to consume green and black tea on a regular basis. The antioxidants found in this drink stop the proteins that cause skin cancer to develop. Also, be sure to enjoy a glass of red, red wine. Studies show the catechins and resveratrol found in wine protect against cancer and growth of human cancer cells.