Body for Life for Women

Body-for-Life for Women has a guide for women called the Mind-Mouth-Muscle Formula. This outline gives direction for maintaining optimum health during the four phases of hormonal milestones from menarch to past menopause. Peeke devises an eating, exercise and mental health plan customized for every period of life.

Instead of laying down a bunch of stringent diet rules, Body-for-Life for Women takes greater care in emphasizing the importance of putting “you” first. One of the important factors in weight gain is that women fail to make themselves a priority. Peeke has made a virtual diary to help women keep track of the journey to better self-care. She also stresses the need for positive thinking and getting in the right mindset to succeed.

Body-for-Life for Women takes into account that women’s fitness must differ from men’s. With that in mind, there is a gender-specific, detailed exercise program made up of cardio and resistance training and flexibility exercises. As for the nutrition aspect of the program, Body-for-Life for Women provides a balanced nutritional program. For breakfast, enjoy 1 toasted light English muffin with a slice of light Swiss cheese, a slice of tomato and fresh basil, along with six ounces of low-sugar orange juice. Lunch is a fresh spinach salad with three ounces of diced chicken, fresh strawberries, poppy seeds and a splash of orange juice. For dinner, you will indulge in 1/2 breast baked chicken Parmesan, green beans, and fresh tomato and cucumber salad topped with vinegar, dill and a little olive oil.