Break out of a Hair Rut

If you’ve ever run into an old friend who hasn’t seen you in awhile, don’t assume that she’s complimenting you when she says, “You haven’t changed a bit!” We all need an update to our looks once in awhile, and changing your hairstyle is a great way to do it. Here are a few clues that your tresses need a fresh style. Take a look at your high school yearbook – how close is your style today to how it looked back then? Too close for comfort? Head to the salon. How often do you sport a ponytail? Sure, a sleek, pulled-back ‘do can work, and it’s a must at the gym. But if you find yourself slicking back your hair on a daily basis – or using the dreaded scrunchie to do it – then have your stylist help you find a look that you’re not afraid to let flow. As you make life’s big transitions – getting your first real job, having your first baby, etc. – be sure your look follows suit. Overbleached, overprocessed hair needs an update as you enter the workforce with a more professional look, as does a really long and completely unprocessed head of hair.
Adding on to your family may mean you can spend less time at the salon, so you should get an easy, chic ‘do that weathers the time between salon visits well. If your hair is healthy and just needs a pick-me-up, banish that flat head of hair with a good trim – and perhaps some long layers, which can give hair a lot of lift. A few well-maintained highlights around your face will give you a sunkissed look and offer some depth to your color. If you just can’t get rid of that ponytail, then try a fresh take, like the loose side braid or fishtail braid seen on so many runways this spring. Or simply part hair in the middle, secure at the nape of the neck with a pretty tie or elastic, and loosen a few sections around the side of the head to create volume. When in doubt, look to your stylist for advice. If she doesn’t have anything new to offer, then it may be time to find someone new.