Bye-Bye, Miss Puffy Eyes

If you’re tired of puffy peepers, it’s time to take an eye-opening look at your options. Puffy eyes are essentially the result of swelling which can be caused by a number of things. There are plenty of factors – both external and internal – that contribute to puffy eyes including hormones, stress, allergies, fluid retention and more. Excess sodium and alcohol can also play a role. And it goes without saying that sleep deprivation is also up there among the list of causes. Unfortunately, puffy eyes can also be sign of more serious issues, which is why it’s important to consult an eye doctor to ensure that there isn’t something else going on. If you’re one of those folks who isn’t suffering from a specific eye condition, here are some at-home remedies you might want to consider. Get plenty of sleep. Wash you face with cold water. Cut back on your salt intake. Place two moist, chilled tea bags over closed eyelids for several minutes. Applying sliced cucumbers and grated potatoes to the eyes also assists in reducing swelling.
Invest in eye and face creams made to specifically for puffiness. Keep these products chilled in the fridge. You might also consider applying cold packs to the eye area, as they’ll assist in reducing puffiness and irritation. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to prevent water retention that could result from dehydration. One trick of the trade calls for soaking cottonwool pads in a small bowl of chilled water or milk. Place moist pads over eyes. When they become warm, chill again and repeat for 15 minutes. This procedure is thought to reduce swelling and whiten eyes. If pollen, dust and other environmental triggers are contributing to puffy eyes, talk to your doctor about an allergy medication.