Candy-Free Valentine’s Gifts for the Kids

When it comes to Valentine’s Day, candy seems like the go-to gift for adults and kids alike. From a box of chocolates to conversation hearts to jelly beans, there’s no shortage of sugar. Lots of parents don’t exactly love the idea of loading their kids up with candy, especially when Halloween and Christmas aren’t even a distant memory. So what’s a mom to do when it comes to gift-giving on Valentine’s Day? There are plenty of ways to show your love without breaking the bank this Valentine’s Day. Bypass the candy and opt for some non-food related gifts. Those cute and cuddly stuffed animals available at the local Hallmark store are always a hit among the younger generation. And a Valentine-themed children’s book is nothing to scoff at. Hit the local Borders or Barnes & Noble for a good read. More than likely, your local bookstore will have a section devoted specifically to celebrating February 14. A board game might even make for a great gift – Candy Land, anyone? Purchase one of your child’s favorite movies and wrap it with a bag of popcorn. What kid won’t love popcorn and a movie? Short on cash this Valentine’s? Why not make coupons for your cutie? Coupons can be valid for a day at the park, an ice cream cone at Dairy Queen or a trip to the city zoo – even those that get your kid out of chores! Get creative and target your child’s favorite activities in your homemade coupon collection. If you want to show your little one your sensitive side, write a poem or a letter telling your child how you feel about him or her.