Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet

It seems quite possible you are a carbohydrate addict. It is nothing to be ashamed of – there are plenty of people out there precisely like you, who cannot control their cravings for carbs. Once you start you cannot stop. Even though you may think this is a joke, there actually is some validity to being addicted to carbs, according to Drs. Richard & Rachael Heller.
During times when a person encounters problems tolerating carbs, the body gets rid of excessive amounts of insulin, known as hyperinsulinemia. This release leads to extra carb cravings and causes the body to store fat, setting in motion a vicious cycle. The Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet works to balance the body’s insulin levels by implementing a sound program based on timing and combining. But the best part is you will not have to give up any of your favorite foods. Instead you will find a happy middle ground to battle the addiction.
With the Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet, two meals are made up of protein, vegetables and no carbohydrates. The third meal of the day provides addicts with a fix whereby they can enjoy carbs. Known as the “reward meal,” consists of a salad and an equal balance of protein, vegetables and the carbohydrate of your choice (bread, rice, potatoes and dessert are all allowed). There are two catches: eat all the cookies or cake you want, but be ready to eat just as much protein and vegetables. Also, a whole meal must be eaten within one hour.
Many experts have raised concerns with the excess protein and calorie levels. They also view the “reward meal” as a “band-aid approach” which simply teases dieters with the foods that continue to keep them obese.