Body Solutions

Body Solutions

Diet Reviews / Other

These DJs went on to maintain that the weight magically melted away while they were sleeping. But the only thing natural about this diet is that it has come under fire from the Federal Trade Commission, which has charged the designers of the product with making incorrect and unsubstantiated claims.Based…

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Total Body Makeover

Total Body Makeover

Diet Reviews / Low Calorie

The Total Body Makeover starts simple. Greene addresses the issue of emotional eating, the heart of the problem for many people. He provides motivational tools for helping dieters attack this issue head-on. The main obstacles he focuses on are changing attitudes, food, and exercise. Food should be viewed as nothing…

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Diet Reviews / Other

Like most online diet sites, has a free diet profile that includes a personality quiz from Dr. Robert Kushner, a board certified physician in internal medicine and nutrition. Based on the results of the diagnostic quiz, is able to create a weight loss program targeted to the member’s…

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Walk Away the Pounds

Walk Away the Pounds

Diet Reviews / Other

Many people find they have to change their workout according to the weather. They also have a tough time finding the time to make it to the gym. With WATP, you have eliminated the common obstacles that stand between you and a daily workout. All of Sansone’s workouts (she’s sold…

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Choose to Lose

Choose to Lose

Diet Reviews / Low Fat

By lowering your intake of carbs too much you are actually doing more harm than good. Your glycogen stores do not get filled up, leading to loss of stamina and endurance. The secret to losing weight is based on the success triangle made up of a low-fat diet, adequate intake…

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Get With The Program

Get With The Program

Diet Reviews / Low Fat

While many plans concentrate on either diet or exercise, Bob made it his goal tocreate a program that encompassed both, as well as meeting the emotionalneeds of his clients. Bob likens the four-phase plan to having a personal trainer that guides you through the physical, psychological and emotional obstacles that…

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Diet Reviews / Other

Nobody knows this better than the gurus of online dieting, Founded more than 10 years ago, offers a wide scope of programs including Bill Phillips Eating for Life, the Mediterranean Diet, fresh meal delivery and other healthy-living plans. The program espouses the importance of balanced nutrition, regular exercise…

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Mayo Clinic Diet

Mayo Clinic Diet

Diet Reviews / Low Calorie

Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon. Lunch: 1/2 grapefruit, salad with any type of dressing, as much red meat or other meat source as you’d like. Dinner: 1/2 a grapefruit, salad with any kind of dressing you’d like. Before bed drink an eight-ounce glass of skim milk…

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You: On A Diet

You: On A Diet

Diet Reviews / Low Fat

The secret to a smaller you lies in waist management. It’s time to take out the garbage for once and for all. And by garbage we mean the extra rolls of flab hanging out around your waistline. Forget everything you think you know about shaping up and open your mind…

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Diet Reviews / Prepared Meals

Celebrity endorsements include General Hospital veteran Genie Francis and the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Kristy Swanson, both of whom have whittled their waistlines on the Medifast program. What makes the approach so popular with clients is that it’s simplistic. There is no counting — not calories, not carbs, not…

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