Diet Reviews / Low Carb
The body has an enzyme known as alpha amylase which turns starches into sugar. After this happens, the sugar is stored as fat in the body leading to weight gain. To fight the process, scientists turned to a protein found in white kidney beans to get rid of more than…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
Dr. Robert Atkins fought tooth and nail to show the world how a low-carb plan can improve weight loss, lower cholesterol levels, increase energy and enhance overall wellness. With the second low-carb boom, the late Dr. Atkins wasn’t alone as plenty of other diet gurus hopped on the low-carb bandwagon,…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
For several decades, founder Barry Sears tried to develop a system to restore hormonal balance to the body. The Zone is his answer. This calorie-restrictive plan is a balance of low-density carbohydrates (40%), adequate protein (30%) and essential fats (30%). Rich in vitamins and minerals, food is used as a…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
You do not have to choose simply because you will have access to all nine. Of course, there is a price – you will have to fork out $19.97 for a yearly membership. For this, you will get motivational tips, exercise guidance and advice about calories. There are diet-and-fitness related…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
The TNT Diet’s mission is to ensure that the body does not store fat. Based on the latest science and research, authors Adam Campbell and JeffVolek have created a state-of-the-art program using Targeted NutritionTactics. Hence the TNT in the name. Through specific nutrition and exercise practices, followers of the TNT…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
Among the things that the Coconut Diet helps alleviate are thyroid disease, yeast infections, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol and much more. To put it in a simple way, the Coconut Diet replaces trans fat acids and unhealthy polyunsaturated oils with coconut oil. The other cooking oils recommended include virgin Palm…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
Somers is not stranger by any means to the weight-loss game. After struggling with her own issues for a span of more than 20 years, Somers put an end to a lifetime of fluctuating by putting food combining to work for her. She has since created her own diet concept…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
It seems quite possible you are a carbohydrate addict. It is nothing to be ashamed of – there are plenty of people out there precisely like you, who cannot control their cravings for carbs. Once you start you cannot stop. Even though you may think this is a joke, there…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
In other words, the caveman didn’t eat Twinkies and Ho Ho’s, and neither should you. Thousands of years ago, foods were eaten “as is.” There was no way by which additives and preservatives were supplemented in foods. The cavemen had to go with what they had, and for that very…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
And for those who do not have access to the internet, there are Lean For Life books, DVDs and CDs available to buy. The Lean for Life program was developed based on 35 years of treatments at their weight control clinics. The Lean for Life gurus promise to allow dieters…
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