Diet Reviews / Other
From celebrities like Nelly Furtado to the average Jane who wants to shed those post-pregnancy pounds, the Abs Diet for Women is for all women. Unlike the original Abs Diet, the Abs Diet for Women has guidelines for calorie counting, following a vegetarian lifestyle and dealing with hormonal problems that…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
Vowing to go to the fast food giant three times a day, Morgan limited herself to 1,400 calories a day. The first meal of her diet would be a sausage burrito and medium diet coke. For the most part, Morgan eats burgers and salads. She only gave into eating the…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
Using their Circle of Success, you will rely on three key components for your license to lose: Think Smart, Eat Well and Move More. The circles are intertwined and you will need all three to reach your goal. As the major authority in heart health, the American Heart Association is…
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Diet Reviews / Other
The program calls for three meals, a snack and a treat. According to Jorge, you should consume breakfast within one hour of rising and stop eating three hours before bedtime. By doing this, you will lose two pounds a week, he promises. Even better, you will take off that unsightly…
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Diet Reviews / Other
In general, a vegetarian does not eat any animals, including fish or other creatures of the sea. Some vegetarians even choose to stop eating dairy products and eggs. The diet varies based on the individual’s beliefs or habits. A vegan restricts his or her intake to foods derived only from…
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Diet Reviews / Other
For this very reason, it is crucial to study the nutritional labels of foods to make sure you are not exceeding the recommended daily limits. On a low-sodium diet, one should not eat more than 2,000 milligrams a day. Most people consume between 4,000 to 5,000 milligrams a day. There…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
In other words, you are not going to be able to lose pounds until you differentiate your lifestyle: the way you feel, the way you think and the way you react to food. With the 7 keys, you will get a healthy dose of self-awareness. His main components include stress:…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
The TNT Diet’s mission is to ensure that the body does not store fat. Based on the latest science and research, authors Adam Campbell and JeffVolek have created a state-of-the-art program using Targeted NutritionTactics. Hence the TNT in the name. Through specific nutrition and exercise practices, followers of the TNT…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
According to their website, the diet lessens the chance of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, renal illness and other ailments. There is actually a Rice Diet Clinic in Durham, North Carolina supervised by a staff of doctors, dietitians and nurses. Anyone interested in following the program without checking into the…
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Diet Reviews / Other
These DJs went on to maintain that the weight magically melted away while they were sleeping. But the only thing natural about this diet is that it has come under fire from the Federal Trade Commission, which has charged the designers of the product with making incorrect and unsubstantiated claims.Based…
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