Diet Reviews / Other
As of October 1998, she had shed more than 100 pounds. However, like many people who battle the bulge, Dotti’s yo yo’d over the years and gained backed the weight to reach 215 pounds. Yet she refuses to let her own problems prevent her from helping other people with their…
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Diet Reviews / High Fiber
Unlike the promise of quick fixes or overnight successes like other fly-by-night plans, Jenny Craig calls for a more objective approach to dieting that upholds three main concepts: a good relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living. Jenny Craig provides each member with a well-rounded…
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Diet Reviews / Other
More a concept than a specific weight-loss plan, the Rotation Diet is a plan whereby whole foods (healthy carbohydrates, fats and proteins) are consumed usually on a four-day cycle. Dairy, wheat, gluten, eggs, sugar, yeast, coffee, alcohol, dried fruits, soda and other common contributors to food allergies are eliminated. Followers…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Using a nutritional eating program, cardio workouts and strengthtraining, it is possible to get the body you’ve always dreamed of. More thanjust another fly-by-night fad, Bob’s Best Life program is designed so that people can live it, not diet. The three-phase program was created to help people decrease their weight,…
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Diet Reviews / Other
A natural appetite suppressant that looks like a cactus, Hoodia gordonii has been used by African tribesmen to fight off hunger on long trips for centuries. It has also been touted by the Bushmen as a treatment for abdominal cramping, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, indigestion and diabetes. The authentic Hoodia is culled…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Body-for-Life for Women has a guide for women called the Mind-Mouth-Muscle Formula. This outline gives direction for maintaining optimum health during the four phases of hormonal milestones from menarch to past menopause. Peeke devises an eating, exercise and mental health plan customized for every period of life. Instead of laying…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Instead you will find lots of information about a product that promises to suppress appetite, burn fat and lower weight – all claims which have not been look at by the Food and Drug Administration. A great deal of the controversy around Metabolife comes from the fact that the product…
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Diet Reviews / High Fiber
It is your mind that matters pretty much. Dr. Robert Kushner says that the reason most humans fail to lose weight is because they focus on the food rather than the real problem at hand. It’is important to study your patterns and your habits to keep history from repeating itself….
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Diet Reviews / Other
Although Omega-3 fatty acids are the more healthy of the two, the average person’s diet holds more Omega-6 acids. It’s important that there is a balance of both EFA’s to achieve optimum health. When an equal ratio of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids is not present in the body,…
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