Diet Reviews / Other
According to creator Judy Mazel, an actress, eating certain kinds of food together destroys digestive enzymes, ending in obesity and poor digestion. Her original Beverly Hills Diet goes back to the “80s. Although there are updates to the 35-day plan, questions about the veracity of the diet still linger. To…
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Diet Reviews / Other
In general, a vegetarian does not eat any animals, including fish or other creatures of the sea. Some vegetarians even choose to stop eating dairy products and eggs. The diet varies based on the individual’s beliefs or habits. A vegan restricts his or her intake to foods derived only from…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
Vowing to go to the fast food giant three times a day, Morgan limited herself to 1,400 calories a day. The first meal of her diet would be a sausage burrito and medium diet coke. For the most part, Morgan eats burgers and salads. She only gave into eating the…
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Diet Reviews / High Fiber
As opposed to other diets where the goal is to lose extra pounds, the Inside Out Diet works to achieve good digestion, the foundation of good wellness and health. The Inside Out Diet was invented by Dr. Anthony Leeds, a medical doctor, renowned dietitian Fiona Hunter and expert in fitness…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
In other words, the caveman didn’t eat Twinkies and Ho Ho’s, and neither should you. Thousands of years ago, foods were eaten “as is.” There was no way by which additives and preservatives were supplemented in foods. The cavemen had to go with what they had, and for that very…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Although there is no scientific research to back the claims of the alkaline diet, it is looked upon favorably by holistic doctors and some nutritionists who test pH levels through blood, saliva and urine. The diet tells followers to eat 70 to 80% alkaline foods and 20 to 25% acid…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The Rosedale Diet reaches to the heart of good health by controlling leptin, the hormone which tells the brain when to eat, how much to eat and when to stop. Ironically, leptin is produced by fat cells. The goal is to keep leptin levels low enough to inform the body…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
Among the things that the Coconut Diet helps alleviate are thyroid disease, yeast infections, chronic fatigue, high cholesterol and much more. To put it in a simple way, the Coconut Diet replaces trans fat acids and unhealthy polyunsaturated oils with coconut oil. The other cooking oils recommended include virgin Palm…
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Diet Reviews / High Fiber
There are two different types of fiber: which are known as soluble and insoluble. When soluble fiber dissolves into water, it creates a gel-like substance that lowers cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is responsible for lowering the absorption of sugar, which benefits diabetics by keeping blood sugars level. Soluble…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
While many plans concentrate on either diet or exercise, Bob made it his goal tocreate a program that encompassed both, as well as meeting the emotionalneeds of his clients. Bob likens the four-phase plan to having a personal trainer that guides you through the physical, psychological and emotional obstacles that…
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