French Women Don’t Get Fat

French Women Don’t Get Fat

Diet Reviews / High Fiber

Consume three meals a day, load up on fruits and veggies, swear off super-sizing, incorporate physical activity into your daily routine, drink water and eat your favorite snacks on occasion. It is common sense and it works. Just look at French women. The French diet is usually rich in butter,…

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Subway Diet

Subway Diet

Diet Reviews / Low Calorie

To drop more than 200 pounds, Fogle ate the same thing every day: no breakfast, 6″ turkey sub and a bag of baked chips for lunch and a 12″ veggie sub for dinner, topped with nothing but extra vegetables. Plus unlimited diet soda throughout the day. Jared’s calorie intake was…

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Fiber35 Diet

Fiber35 Diet

Diet Reviews / High Fiber

Fiber is a key component in promoting the loss of weight. Not only does it help people feel more full, it also fights off hunger. One serving of whole grain bread is more filling than if one devoured two servings of white bread. Fiber moves through the digestive system at…

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eDiets DeliciouslyYours

eDiets DeliciouslyYours

Diet Reviews / Prepared Meals

The answer is most certainly. eDiets introduces DeliciouslyYours, a meal delivery plan that Fed Ex’s breakfast, lunch and dinner right to your doorstep. The process of using DeliciouslyYours is simple. Every week members log onto the website and pick the meals that they like. With the DeliciouslyYours program, you create…

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Omega Diet

Omega Diet

Diet Reviews / Other

Although Omega-3 fatty acids are the more healthy of the two, the average person’s diet holds more Omega-6 acids. It’s important that there is a balance of both EFA’s to achieve optimum health. When an equal ratio of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids is not present in the body,…

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