Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The secret lies in the concentration of calories in portions of food, a concept she calls “energy density.” There are foods with low-energy density (which are good for you) and foods with high-energy density (which are not in fact). Low-energy density foods allow you to eat heaping portions without consuming…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
Somers is not stranger by any means to the weight-loss game. After struggling with her own issues for a span of more than 20 years, Somers put an end to a lifetime of fluctuating by putting food combining to work for her. She has since created her own diet concept…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
While many plans concentrate on either diet or exercise, Bob made it his goal tocreate a program that encompassed both, as well as meeting the emotionalneeds of his clients. Bob likens the four-phase plan to having a personal trainer that guides you through the physical, psychological and emotional obstacles that…
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Diet Reviews / Other
For thousands of years, the San Bushmen of the Kalahari have consumed the cactus-like plant to hold themselves over during long trips. Researchers began to dissect the Hoodia to determine what causes it to act as an appetite suppressant. What they found was the presence of an unknown molecule, which…
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Diet Reviews / High Fiber
As opposed to other diets where the goal is to lose extra pounds, the Inside Out Diet works to achieve good digestion, the foundation of good wellness and health. The Inside Out Diet was invented by Dr. Anthony Leeds, a medical doctor, renowned dietitian Fiona Hunter and expert in fitness…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Speed up your metabolism, break diet plateaus, re-energize your body and get rid of your extra weight prior to that important special occasion. Although the name of the diet suggests you will only need to invest one day of your life to start losing, the three-stage process is more involved….
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Diet Reviews / Other
Beck’s 6-week solution will help you avoid cheating, deal with hunger, cope with stress and negative emotions without eating too much, get motivated to exercise and eliminate overeating, bingeing and resorting to old habits that often die hard. Through an arsenal of psychological resources that include hunger monitoring scales, daily…
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Diet Reviews / Other
According to the makers of CortiSlim, stress is one of the primary causes of obesity. When a person is pressured, the body releases cortisol, the primary stress hormone, which increases appetite and stores fat. CortiSlim is made of Vitamin C, calcium, chromium, Cortiplex Blend (magnolia bark extract, beta-sitosterol, theanine), Leptiplex…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
Using their Circle of Success, you will rely on three key components for your license to lose: Think Smart, Eat Well and Move More. The circles are intertwined and you will need all three to reach your goal. As the major authority in heart health, the American Heart Association is…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
Breakfast: 1/2 grapefruit, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon. Lunch: 1/2 grapefruit, salad with any type of dressing, as much red meat or other meat source as you’d like. Dinner: 1/2 a grapefruit, salad with any kind of dressing you’d like. Before bed drink an eight-ounce glass of skim milk…
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