Diet Reviews / Low Carb
The Hamptons Diet uses two longstanding weight-loss approaches: the Atkins Nutritional Approach and the Mediterranean Diet. Combining what you might call the best of both worlds, the end result in an eating plan that stresses the importance of whole foods (preferably organic foods) that are minimally processed and have little…
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Diet Reviews / Other
Instead you will find lots of information about a product that promises to suppress appetite, burn fat and lower weight – all claims which have not been look at by the Food and Drug Administration. A great deal of the controversy around Metabolife comes from the fact that the product…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
There are four ways to do the Cambridge Diet that go from using the products as your main meals to consuming them as nutritional supplements in conjunction with a diet low in calories: 1. FAST START PROGRAM – Consume 3 to 4 Cambridge servings a day with no other foods…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The total calorie intake is only 800 each day, with 500 of those calories going directly from the high-protein cookies. The protein in the diet cookies, which are made in Siegel’s bakery, acts as an appetite suppressant, which staves off hunger. Some of the ingredients include whole-wheat flour, oats and…
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Diet Reviews / Prepared Meals
The plan has a balance of lean protein (which protects the body’s lean muscle mass) and complex carbohydrates with a low-glycemic index that keeps your blood sugar levels from yo-yoing during the day. Your calorie intake will range from 1,100 to 1,400, shifting daily to prevent the body from getting…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
As opposed to the Atkins Nutritional Approach, the Total Wellbeing Diet is low in calories and low in fat. It’s also a diet rich in fruit and vegetables. Beans, lentils and chickpeas replace bread. The CSIRO diet calls for 3.5 ounces of meat at lunch and 7 ounces at dinner…
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Diet Reviews / Low Carb
It seems quite possible you are a carbohydrate addict. It is nothing to be ashamed of – there are plenty of people out there precisely like you, who cannot control their cravings for carbs. Once you start you cannot stop. Even though you may think this is a joke, there…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
Designed by Dr. Andy Larson and wife Ivy, the objective of the Gold Coast Cure is to use the medicinal properties found in foods to alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses that affect quality of life. The wellness program puts the latest-breaking nutritional news to the test… and works. There…
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Diet Reviews / Low Fat
To find out where you stand, there is a patented RealAge test that helps determine the biological age of your body based on how you answer a series of questions. From there, individuals are given a personalized plan to help you feel younger and another list to show you which…
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Diet Reviews / Low Calorie
The meal replacement plan has evolved over the years and now offers nutrition bars, meal bars, smoothies, snacks and powders. SlimFast boasts that there are more than 30 clinical studies that reveal the effectiveness of the weight-loss program. In addition to the diet-friendly, convenient products offered by Slim-Fast, the company…
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